by William Needham Finley IV™

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Inside 80Fresh

Now that I’m a startup company, I need to generate “revenue” by writing sponsored posts. Fortunately, my friends at 80Fresh reached out about sponsorship when they found out I was starting


Inside Quail Ridge Books

By now you’ve all heard the news that Quail Ridge Books has opened in a more suitable environment at North Hills.


Is Pokémon Go the new DrunkTown?

Pokémania hit its first setback this weekend in Raleigh. Citing "rules" that city parks are to close at dusk, police asked a crowd of around 100 Pokémon Go players to leave downtown's Nash Square on Friday night.


Why I Dumped Donald Trump

I usually try to stay out of politics on Twitter, Facebook, and Insta, mainly because I don’t want to lose any of my precious followers. Losing a follower just because


Raleigh Demands Downtown Canal

Advertisement Update: There’s been some great feedback in the comments section below. The guy who created the original petition shared his thoughts and explains how he’ll pay for this. Shockingly,


Red Dragon, It’s Not Me, It’s You

I ordered this Sunday night Red Dragon to ease my anxiety as the weekend ends and the week begins. Sadly, this aesthetically appeasing meal did not help me achieve that


Slide the City: A Wet State Fair

A 1,000 foot water slide took over Gelwood South last Saturday for no apparent reason. I’ve been asking for a moat around the beltline for years, and this company from

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