ITB Living: State Fair Edition

Welcome to the newest edition of ITB Living. Our team of experts spent weeks coming up with the definitive guide to the North Carolina State Fair. We’ve covered everything from foods that won’t ruin your Keto diet to how to get powdered sugar out of your Barbour. Get your exclusive copy today by following @ITBInsider on Instagram and reading this post.
This edition of Raleigh’s premiere digital magazine cover includes:
Fair Foods That Won’t Ruin Your Keto Diet (thanks to the ITBroads for their hard work and research on this one)
Fair Fashion: Matching Flannels For The Fam
Arteries: Do You Really Need Them?
How To Get Powdered Sugar Out Of Your Barbour (Buy A New One)
Red Cross Adds Luxury Suite For “Missing” Dads
Know Before You Go: TSA PreCheck Doesn’t Work On The Ferris Wheel
Avoid An Amber Alert: How To Microchip Your Kids
Cash Is King: Your CCC Member PIN Ain’t No Good Here
Step Right Up! New Fair Game Guesses Your Income Based On ZIP Code
High-Resolution Cover:

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This cutting-edge media property addresses the rapidly growing market of people who don’t have time to read magazines. As a carbon negative media empire, ITB Insider realizes how detrimental magazines are to the environment. We save thousands of trees by not publishing an entire magazine. Each carefully curated edition of ITB Living is posted to the @ITBInsider Instagram account and paired with a blog post on
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