by William Needham Finley IV™

I Went on the Free Lunch Podcast

in ITBNN by

Today, I am proud to present my guest appearance on the Free Lunch podcast. Let me be clear, while I’m always on the look out for sponsors to work with, my media empire is doing just fine. I don’t need to go on podcasts in exchange for a chicken salad sandwich. I’ve wanted to start my own podcast for a while now and just haven’t had the time. I took the advice of the great Steve Jobs, who once said, “If you’re too busy running a media empire to start your own podcast, just keep being a guest on other podcasts.” I did that by going on Richard Averitte’s “People I Follow” podcast, and most recently by appearing on Clean Design’s Free Lunch podcast.

I first met the people at Clean Design, a branding and advertising agency in Raleigh, back in January when they invited me to an exclusive look at Vidrio. Once they saw how great I was at being a food critic they asked me to come on their podcast and talk more about running my media empire as a full-time job. I obviously agreed because there’s nothing I love talking about more than ITB and myself.

I met with Mike Manganillo, Steve Kelly, and Kari Scharf, who host the podcast. As we started recording I realized that none of the hosts were from Raleigh. I took it upon myself to teach them as much as I could about ITB. I don’t want to compare myself to Mother Teresa, but it sort of felt like that at times. We talked about a variety of ITB topics, including Felson’s, the Village Subway, mansion fires, Broughton, how I need interns, and much more. There’s a great rapid fire “ITB or OTB” game at the very end of the podcast. Here’s the episode description in iTunes:

We also had a serious discussion about how brands are working with influencers to get their message out through blogs, social media, and other channels. Mike shared the current ranges for working with different types of influencers.

Bloggers can get between $175 and $5,000 for one blog post

Instagram influencers can get between $75 and $3,000 per post

Video Influencers can get between $500 and $5,000 per video

Of course I used the opportunity to leverage leverage and plug my lawyer Stacy Miller and Miller Law Group, and sponsors and partners 80Fresh, Walk West, PBX®, and Rufty-Peedin. I also gave Bonner and Mayor McFarlane a shout out.

Apologies and Corrections
At one point, Mike asked me to name some notable Broughton graduates. Since there are so many, I didn’t know where to start, and just began with Pistol Pete, Shav, and Webb Simpson, at which point Mike got me sidetracked talking about the time I got a cease and desist letter from The Masters. I was just about to mention World Champion and two-time Olympic high jumper and good friend Jesse Williams before we got off topic.

Apologies to our Development Beat sponsor, Rufty-Peedin for saying they were a “commercial home builder”. I meant to say they were a “commercial design builder”. I was pretty exhausted and probably mixed the name up with Rufty Homes, the luxury custom home builder, owned by the same Rufty.

And just to keep Mike’s numbers correct, my following is currently 5,207 on Twitter, 3,327 on Instagram, and 2,167 followers on the ITB Insider Facebook page. I don’t want to come off as too arrogant about these stats, so let me say that I’m truly #ITBlessed to have all of you following along in this journey we call a media empire lifestyle influencer startup company. Thank you.

The episode is available on iTunes here, and also on SoundCloud.

Side note: as we ate lunch, I showed them the trailer for my upcoming trip to Fyre Festival to remind them of how big of an influencer I am. Fyre Festival. It’s going to be lit.

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