Raleigh native and Broughton graduate Bonner Gaylord is seeking a fifth term on the Raleigh City Council. He joins Stacy Miller on my list of ITBFFs running for office. As many of you know, I was instrumental in getting Bonner elected during the last race. I wasn’t “officially” working for or with the campaign, but we all know who was pulling the strings. I was the political mastermind behind this campaign poster:

With Bonner set to run for re-election in District E, which spans North Hills and northwest Raleigh, it’s time to take a look at his qualifications and a preview of his first campaign video that I wrote.
He’s a Native
Bonner grew up in Raleigh. Here he is taking care of George the snake, showing leadership at an early age to ensure that none of the other children were eaten alive.

He went there.

Not only did Bonner attend Broughton and give a speech, he also played football. During his senior year he led the team in brooding on the sideline.

Smart Development
As the Managing Director of Kane Realty, Bonner helped turn North Hills from this:
into this:
He even let me include half of my Fyre Festival wristband and a fidget spinner in the time capsule that was recently buried at North Hills.
Bonner voted in favor of adopting the new Brunch Bill in Raleigh, freeing mimosas across the land.
Bonner loves technology. He brought a Facebook Virtual Reality demo that looked like an upscale mobile home to North Hills last year.

During one of his first campaigns Bonner said he would name his unborn twins after the Google founders, Larry and Sergey, if they would bring Google Fiber to Raleigh. Seven years later Google Fiber is in Raleigh (sort of) and Bonner didn’t even have to name his kids Larry and Sergey. Total power move.
The Weather Dome
The Weather Dome that Bonner and I co-created has kept citizens safe from storms and rain for years. You’re welcome.
He’s related to Webb Simpson
Bonner and Webb are cousins, and have been their whole lives, which shows how loyal Bonner is. Bonner even helped Webb win the U.S. Open and hung a massive banner in North Hills to celebrate the victory.

Dix Park
Bonner’s been an advocate for Dix Park and has agreed to play the part of Dr. Alan Grant in my screenplay.

Bonner’s Surf Shop
It’s not just politics and North Hills with Bonner. He one day dreams of opening a Surf Shop in North Hills, close to Raleigh’s future downtown canal.
So basically, we have a native of Raleigh, who loves technology and gadgets, and devotes his life to his city. Sound familiar? I thought so too.
To help get all these talking points across to the general public, I pitched the following campaign video to Bonner, titled “A Day in the Life of Bonner”.
The camera fades in from black. It’s morning at Dix Park. An F3 PAX (it’s like a secret workout group) works out as the Raleigh skyline watches over them. Around 20 men are doing Empty Wheelbarrows up and down a hill with cases of Trophy Wife strapped to their backs. One stumbles near the top of the hill and as he’s about to fall backwards to certain death a hand reaches out to grab him. It’s Bonner. He looks in the camera and says, “Not on my watch.” He saves the man’s life and then helps him do 50 Fairy Jacks, because if you give a man a Fairy Jack, he’ll Fairy Jack for a workout, but if you teach a man to Fairy Jack he’ll Fairy Jack for a lifetime.
Done with the workout, Bonner looks out over all of Dix Park and then turns to the camera and says, “Dix Park, the dinosaurs are coming.”
We follow Bonner as he rips off his F3 clothes to reveal a perfectly tailored suit from Hengs Suiting and Armoury underneath. He hops on a bikeshare bike and pedals off towards downtown Raleigh. He stops to help an old woman cross Western Boulevard of Broken Dreams. She thanks him and says, “Only 5 more miles until home.” Bonner says, “Ma’am, we have a growing bus system that will take you anywhere your heart desires.” Bonner helps the woman on to the next bus.
Bonner looks into the camera and says, “Transit. You pay for it, so you might as well use it.”
Former Broughton Quarterback Stacy Miller to Run for City Council
Bonner rides by some children selling refreshments and stops. “Hey lil’ entrepreneurs, what are you selling?”
A five-year-old wearing a Lilly Pulitzer dress replies, “LaCroix, it’s $5 a can.”
“$5 a can? That’s how much a 12 pack costs,” Bonner says.
“Where else are you going to get a cold refreshing LaCroix right now? Cash or charge?” the child replies.
“Capitalism! I love it. I’ll take two,” he says, handing her his credit card.
Bonner looks into the camera and says, “I’ll continue to support all businesses, big and small.”
Bonner then teaches every child in the neighborhood how to ride a bike and leaves his bikeshare bike behind. “Remember kids, sharing is caring,” he says as he pulls his phone out to order an Uber.
While waiting for his ride, Bonner looks into the camera and says, “Technology, let’s keep it up.”
Bonner hops in the Uber. The driver recently moved to Raleigh from New Jersey and uses the beltline to get around because he doesn’t know about ITB backroads. Bonner takes over as backseat DJ and plays a remix of The Connells that he made in high school, on repeat.
Bonner stops by City Council and signs off on the paperwork to make March 15th “ITB Insider Day” and passes a few other laws or whatever they do in City Council. He hops in his electric vehicle and heads home to his family, where he makes dinner, teaches his kids to read, checks on the status of the Weather Dome, and then responds to all of my Tweets before heading to bed.
As he reaches to turn the lights out, he looks in the camera and says, “Raleigh, It’s The Best.”
The End
I’m still waiting to hear back from Bonner and his team about when we’ll start shooting this. I’ll keep you updated, while Bonner keeps us safe.
Thinking about running against your boy……